WDE - Works Data Exchange
The WDE working group has the following main tasks:
- Putting together the Business Rules for the group
- Maintaining the CWR format
- Sharing Requirements and Use Cases
- Derivative works
This group is chaired by Cynthia Lipskier (SACEM), Patrick Thomas (Boukman Publishing), and Ray Pagden (Motus Music).
Common Works Registration (CWR), as the name suggests, is a standard format for the registration of musical works. CWR provides for all of the data elements necessary for a Publisher to register a work at a Performance or Mechanical Rights Society. It also provides a means of tracking registration status and facilitates communication between Publishers and Societies. By utilizing a common standard for the work registration process, both Publishers and Societies benefit from a more efficient registration system. The common format results in a more accurate flow of song data between Publishers and Societies and in return results in cost and time savings while increasing the accuracy of royalty payments.
The standard format has been used by Publishers and Societies for many years and the specifications are under a constant review in order to meet to the most relevant needs of Publishers and Societies.
Implementation by societies and publishers can be found in the CWR implementation spreadsheet here. (Note: access restricted to participants only)
Latest specifications can be found in the CWR Document Pack
Latest developments: version 3.1 has been endorsed by the Society Publisher Forum at its last plenary meeting. The documents are available in the CWR Document pack.
Consult the members of the CWR working group.
For more information, please contact cwr@societypublisherforum.net.